isn't as good as i hoped to be.
The graphic is decent, but far from being comparable to other ps3 games. In my opinion, resistance and turok have the worst lighting in the ps3. The game suffers from serious lack of color, while the game is supposed to look this way, gamers might feel bored looking at it after a couple of hours.
The game usually doesn't have the feel of battle even though some of the bosses and battles are really intense because most of the time you play all by yourself with no allies. The game also lost its epic sci fi feel after the first few levels. At first, you see weird structures planted on the ground and aliens running everywhere trying to kill you, but in the middle and kindda toward the end you go deep into tunnels all by yourself (this can be sometimes intense), combatting repetitively enemies over and over. AI is very mediocre as sometimes your enemies just stand at a distance waiting to be shot at.
The cutscenes and story telling is horrible. Instead of getting great animations at the beginning and end of the missions telling how the story progresses you get to see paintings and a female narrator.
Overall I give this game an 8.0 simply because i love sci-fi shooters, without the story line and setting, this game is just a below average action shooter where you can dodge enemies' bullets and the graphics is not eye-pleasing.