Many people forget to grasp just how important this game was and is. If it were not for this game the PS3 launch would have been terrible. Most people also forget that it was developed on very short notice and with limited knowledge of the PS3 system. Even with this Insomniac has made a great game. The gameplay is pretty standard but does not have a tangible flaw. The AI is smart but not cunning, if you just charge in you will die if you stay in one spot you will die. There are paths that seem obvious, never take those paths; there will usually be a ramp or walkway that will let you get the bead on the enemy. The one thing that is different is there are these pauses between battles that really break up the pace nicely because the pace of battle in this game is fast a relentless. Anyone who has played a FPS in the past should feel right at home. This is one of the few games to take advantage of the SIXAXIS function of the PS3. When a menial, leaper or howler grabs you, you must shake the controller violently throw them off. This is something that never gets old and really adds to the in your face scary feel of the game. As far as shooters go this is a pretty scary shooter. You do not fly out of your seat but your eyes jump the first time you see an angel up close. Another great part of this game is the aliens. My personal favorite is the widowmaker which is a giant spider that shoots explosive goop and tries to spear you to death with its pointy legs, so watch out. The best part about this game is hands down the weapons. Coming from the people that brought you Ratchet and Clank you know that there are going to be some crazy weapons. My personal favorite is the Bullseye. This gun lets you fire a homing tag at you enemy that guides all your fire at his direction. You also can fire a tag at the ground and empty half the clip into a devastating proximity mine. It is this kind of intuitiveness that really sets this game apart from the rest. If I had to pick a bone with this game it would have to be the graphics. While they are nice they are no where near as good as most next-gen games. The sound is great. Whether it be the sound of your carbine firing or the eerie cry of the howlers, the sound in this game really does a great job setting the tone or amplifying the intensity of battle. Once you finish the great campaign which by the way actually has a decent story, the multiplayer is the real stare of the show. In my opinion this is a great answer to Halo online if not a successor. The online is set up very intuitively so if you want to play in a ranked game it is just a click away or if want to search for a specific type of game that is equally as simple. Once you start playing you will be in for a surprise, this is one of the most fast paced and visceral online shooters to date. Oh, this is not just 4v4 try 20vs20. It is insane to see so many people on screen at once there is no experience like it except for maybe battlefield 2. There are also many different types of modes such as meltdown (capture the base), CTF, conversion, team death match and death match. On top of the multiple modes there are a plethora of maps to choose from each of which is very unique and tailors to certain game types. All this comes together to create one of the most robust online multiplayer experiences ever. If there is any thought of getting a PS3 in your mind, then this is the game to buy and if you already have a PS3 get this game asap. Even though $700 is a lot for a system and one game trust me it is well worth it. If this is the type of game that comes out at launch then imagine what the future will bring!
This game is a wonderful shooter. It was was my second game for the Playstation 3. (The first was Call of Duty 3). If you play this game, you must have an HDTV. Along with the HDTV the visuals are stunning. After you kil... Read Full Review
Resistance is a game made by Insomniac, a developer best knowned for its high rating series Ratchet and Clank. The game started with a simple idea, make a WWII game but change the story a bit. This derived in a new game,... Read Full Review