Resistance: Fall of Man is a PS3 exclusive,and it should be.I don't want to talk about the story because i don't want to make any spoilers for those who haven't played it yet.The game is a war based FPS which offers nothing specially new but keeps everything going by doing everything how it should and making you feel that it was worth buying it.The graphics are quite good at some times.The story is quite interesting and the game-play is incredibly precise and cutting edge well done.One of the bad things of the game is that in the end it's over.It isn't quite a long game but on harder difficulty levels it can be quite a challenge and it could take a while to finish.The online play is brilliant and is one of the games which you can play for months online without knowing that you have been playing the same game for so long.It has happened to me.The online play suffers from no lag and the frame rate doesn't suffer at all.I would recommend this game only to the FPS fans and maybe a little bit to those who just want to kill some monsters and split their blood all over the place.
This game is a wonderful shooter. It was was my second game for the Playstation 3. (The first was Call of Duty 3). If you play this game, you must have an HDTV. Along with the HDTV the visuals are stunning. After you kil... Read Full Review
Resistance is a game made by Insomniac, a developer best knowned for its high rating series Ratchet and Clank. The game started with a simple idea, make a WWII game but change the story a bit. This derived in a new game,... Read Full Review