Resistance doesn't do anything to revolutionize the genre, but it makes for one hell of a fun game.
Resistance: Fall of Man is nothing short of a superb game, not only that it is also a launch title for the most powerful console on the market. Taking place in an alternate reality where WWII never got started because of biological experiements the Russians were conduction. This unleashed a horrid race of super-strong, super-smart, creatures named the Chimera. In a few years they had destroyed the whole of Russia, and then the launched an attack on a wall the Russians had built to keep the Chimera out of neighboring nations. They then overwhelmed the whole of Europe in a few months, except for England. Then they burrowed under the English Channel and destroyed all of Britian in a matter of weeks. That's where you come in, you play a Sergent of the U.S. Army Rangers, Nathan Hale, and you must stop this mennace before they have a chance to strike America.
Lets get to the big department since this is on the PS3, the graphics. This game preforms well on standard definition, but is only a slight improvement. High definition does look much better, but it is nowhere near the somewhat overstated promises made by Sony. The weapons are one thing Insomniac has been known for from the Ratchet and Clank series. There is everything to the standard carbine, to dual wielding pistols called Reapers, that throw a new twist into the tactic by allowing for each weapon to track is own seperate enemy. There is also quite possibly the most inventive gun the genre has seen since the Gravity Gun in Half-Life 2, the Auger, which can shoot through solid objects and gets stronger when it comes out the other side. Not only that, it can also erect a shield which only Auger rounds can fire through.
Multiplayer matches in the game can be very intense with up to 40 players. In a multiplayer match, each team plays as a different race, the humans, and the hybrids. The humans can sprint, and see enemies and allies on the map depending on game type and nodes captured. The hybrids meanwhile can see through solid objects, and can enter a rage mode where they deal more damage with weapons, and fire spouts from their backs. If they stay in rage mode too long, they will start to take damage.
Considering that to play this game you need to own a $500 console, it doesn't get too high up there when it comes down to value. Considering exactly what you are getting though, it is well worth it.
Insomniac has also thrown in some of their comedic charm into the game with skill points you earn for doing certain objectives not listed in missions. For example, one of my favorites is, "Why are these candles screaming?" which is only obtained after setting eight hybrids ablaze in the course of 30 seconds.
There is also a wide variety of enemies in the game. From the increadibly immense, to the more humanoid, to the almost spider-like. They will have you thinking, "What next?" at almost every moment.
All around Resistance: Fall of Man, is a great game, and a must have if you are going to buy Sony's newest console.