Resistance is one of those games that you rearaly see and not just because its the first game to ever replace wwII with a mutated virus which wipes out all of europe but becauseyou stick with it just dosnt get boring.Once you have finished the campaign on easy mode in a few hours if you stick with it long enough you will be saying well thats not too hard i dont see why people cant pass it .Well just try it on hard mode and gaining all the skill points which you will have to go to hard mode for than you wont be able to get threw the 1st qauter of the game without falling to the gound because of a rain of bullseyes raining down on you or augers streming threw evry wall and leapers having you running for you life and dont get me started when you reach the stalkers.AND even when you conpleted hard mode you find that theres a SUPERHARD mode.BET YOU didnt see that coming.Well the single player out of the way or your just so annoyed you cant be bothered to get back to it you will probaly find yourself hooked to the online play.In fact i was already on the rank of seargant major before i even passed the first three futures some very good multiplayerbut of course it dosnt rival warhawk or cod4 but will definatly have you going.At first you will be getting about 1-2 kills each game with about 20 deaths but thats to expected and once you have gone up a few ranks you will be getting the exact opposite.This is a definate buy game which all ps3 owners sould have.
This game is a wonderful shooter. It was was my second game for the Playstation 3. (The first was Call of Duty 3). If you play this game, you must have an HDTV. Along with the HDTV the visuals are stunning. After you kil... Read Full Review
Resistance is a game made by Insomniac, a developer best knowned for its high rating series Ratchet and Clank. The game started with a simple idea, make a WWII game but change the story a bit. This derived in a new game,... Read Full Review