The best launch game by far with excellent gameplay and a decent multiplayer - 9.0
User Rating: 9 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
Resistance Fall of Man has been the most successful launch game in sales and attention, and it does deserves it. Resistance is set in England when WW2 never happened. The world has been taken over by Russian mutants named chimera. The gameplay is mostly excellent and fun. Levels and interesting, bosses are challenging, online is brilliant, excellent co-op, there is no flaw. However graphics could be better. In some areas the detail is impressive but sometimes is slightly poor. Probably the best thing about this game are the multiplayer modes. Co-op is extremely fun (arguably the best in any FPS) and online Resistance is almost flawless. This all accounts to the fact that Resistance is an excellent game with outstanding gameplay and only some minor flaws - 9.0
+ Great Weapons
+ Interesting Story
+ Imaginative Bosses
+ Amazing Multiplayer
- Mediocre Visuals