Aside the great online mode, the reality is there's no difference between any FPS from this, plays just like any games.

User Rating: 8.4 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
Once I started up this baby, I was impressed by it's opening. Started the campaign mode immendantly, a cool opening movie about how did the Chimereans took over the world and bs...

Multiplayer's pretty fun with 40 players online but the negative is theres no vehicles to call up on. Campaign is completely worthwhile and very satsifying to finish the campaign. the storyline is incredible too. The graphics are okay, for next-gen. the explosion effects are very minimal and underachieved, of grenades and artillery. Lame too. They coulda had done better and used ALL eight cores instead just two. It is my belief that the PS3 is a sleeping dragon waiting to be awakened, something far better than GeOW graphics and PS3's horsepower will be used to fuel gameplay and storyline of all future generation games. I don't like to write long reviews. like those gamespot guys does so my grammar will be broken and terrible.