Resistance is the best ps3 luanch game and even in 2009 its still awesom !!!
In Resistance: Fall of Man you play as Nathan Hale not a sodger that has one life to give to his controy but the only known person immuion to the chimera virus. You fight aganst the un stop able Chimera, the chimera come in man differnt sizes and with different gus but lots of suprous.
The guns in the game really awesom, every gun has a main fire and a secenddary fire, you can use wepions that are human and chimera wepions.
Like the M5A2 CABINE wicth is the humans main wepions with shots ronds and second fire is a grade lunacher, Bullseye is the main Hybrid weapon the main fire shoots like the m5a2 cabine but the secondary fire tags an enemy for all your shots will go to it, of the rocket launcher of in the game called the L209 LAARK, and L23 Fareye wicth is a sniper gun but it can slow down time, the chimera wepions are the best and theirs lots like the XR-003 Sapper witch shots out bubbles witch blow up when ever you want. And their alot more you can unlock.
Online is fun with mathes for up to 40 players youll alamost never get board the ps3 first online hit.
Resistance: Fall of Man looks better then any game befor the best single player and onlie game for the ps3 !!!