Resistance: Fall of Man is a very fun, innovative shooter that should not be missed if you own a Playstation 3.

User Rating: 9.6 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
If you own a Playstation 3, please read this review and buy Resistance: Fall of Man as soon as possible. Resistance: Fall of Man (RFOM) is a unique shooter in its own ways. It has an interesting story, addicting gameplay, and incredible weapons. The story has an odd characteristic for a first person shooter. The events take place in 1951 and has futuristc weapons. On top of that, the story includes some horror which can scare you enough to make you shiver every time you pull the trigger. As for its weapons, Resistance offers awesome capabilities with each one. The only bad thing that can be said about the weapons is that some weapons in the campaign mode are excluded in multiplayer mode. Also, some of the weapon capabilities are stripped from the multiplayer mode as well. For example, the L23 Faireye (Sniper Rifle) has a slow motion feature that allows for easier headshots. In multiplayer mode, the Faireye has a new feature that allows for automatic zoom, similar to that of the Halo sniper rifle zoom (Some gamers like that zoom better). As for graphics, the visuals in Resistance are exceptional. They may not be top notch, but for a launch title, the graphics are good enough to be considered "next gen". However, the textures in the game could have been better, but according to some sources, the developers of the game did not focus on textures due to the amount of time they had to complete the game and the technological limitations they had with the engine they used. Aside from the graphics, the online multiplayer of the game is just incredible. The online section of this game offers very fun gameplay that is comparable to that of games played on Xbox Live, which is very rare on Playstation titles. While some people may not consider Resistance to be a "Halo Killer", it is definitely a good alternative to Halo 2, just in case you are bored of it.