Resistance final comes to the psp a well needed game for the psp and is more fun than a barrel full of chimera.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance: Retribution PSP
The experience that I have with the resistance series of small, but worth your time. I only have played fall of man and on top of that I only have played it at my dad's while I wait for my PS3 to come in the mail, but before you get discouraged I have to say the Resistance: Retribution is a fine addition to the series. It brings life back to a half-life system. (ha Vale reference on a insomniac game wow I suck )

Now I have loved Sony and there psp, but sadly the psp has had a ruff time proving it's self to the world with it's short list of golden games, but Resistance: Retribution is the answer to the psp's prayers. The game has a memorable story line and is a great third person shooter for a hand held system. The art and graphics of Resistance really bring the game to life along with it's beautiful assortment of fire arms and explosives. that you loved from previous Resistance games on your PS3.

The Story revolves around lieutenant Grayson a hardcore soldiers that witnessed the death of his brother in a Chimera conversion center. After his brothers death he goes around destroying all chimera conversion centers that he can find, but sadly is later stop and put into custody by his own men for going awall and now must fight for a organization called the Macique or face death roe. This is were your story starts as you play as now private Grayson killing as many chimera as you see fight ........ well ok all that you see and some that you will look for. It is worth looking at and I say this because most people just go strait to the multi player witch is fun and I will talk about later, but is not the whole Resistance: Retribution experience The story is worth and one of the reason you want to play Retribution.

The games portability makes it a great game fro car rides of when you over at a friends and it is also compatible with you Resistance two. Retribution will provide you with new weapons and other materials for Resistance two I unfortunately don't know what exactly the Items are per-say, for at this time and date I'm still waiting for my PS3.

On to one of my favorite Features that is available in Retribution is the on-line play and no I don't mean two feet away from you friends psp as you play together. (though that is a feature and still very fun) The psp will now use your wireless INTERNET connection to connect to the PSN network and you can portably play others on-line the PSN network try doing that on your DS (that isn't Pokemon). The on-line play is amazingly great but it lack a first person feel since you play it in third the whole time and there aren't a lot of maps, but Resistance's fun on-line play still comes through and is easy to use and fun to play for hours with others..... now only if there was a friends list. The games include the same old same old nothing to special like CTF and free for all, ect. I also have yet to have any lag or disconnection with my psp witch is amazing on my part from playing Xbox live and the PSN.

This game comes with extraordinary graphics I think, for all the environments I played flow nicely and you will never get turned around and or lost in the level design. The art just pops out at you and the opening video for each level is identical the the feel of Resistance 1 & 2. I have had a great time maneuvering through the level without one frustration. the controls are also easy to use in a had-held shoot, for example the firring system is great, a box on your targeting screen will lock you gun on to one of your enemy targets giving you an more easy and less frustrating way to shoot, but remember that is won't give you head shots just for pressing a button it takes effort and good hand eye coordination to a balance of changeling and simple mechanic. You will be surprised at the extensive amount of work that payed off in that making of this game.

That is some of the main perks in Redistribution, but also other little functions are in the game. when you replay the level you can achieve skill points and unlock movie clips or other extras for that game and there are a lot. There are a lot of little things that will make you say wow and that is cool, but the main point is to have fun and play Resistance Portably so you can kill chimera on the road. Thanks for listening and if you have any questions on my past reviews or this one just send me a massage and I will try to get back to you when I can. I hope you enjoyed this review and hopefully will enjoy your new Resistance: redistribution on the psp.