One of the best psp games, it's extremely fun and satisfying, great gameplay, story and graphics all in one game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance: Retribution PSP
Played it, loved it, nothing to complain about it. Retribution is one of the best games on psp, it's one of those games where you think it's just another poor spin - off but actually shines above the rest.

Blasting waves of invading chimeras are really satisfying and extremely fun, especially blasting heads off an enemy.The story's really good, it revolves around Grayson, a british soldier sentenced to prison when he went awol after the sight of his brother's death. He is then sent to go on to a suicide mission by helping the french maquis in the chimera invasion, which includes saving a friend from a conversion center, blowing up gun towers and invading chimera underground facilities and trenches. The area is ranges from war torned cities, underwater places in chimera conversion centers, to airships and earth movers in trenches. Each of the levels have their challenges and range of enemies, from gigantic chimeras, or normal drones to female chimeras who's heads blast when they get too close (one of the most annoying opponents). Some enemies are real hard to face, and will eat up your temper if you don't know how to take cover, luckily there are a range of weapons to blast their heads off.

The auto aiming really helps in the absence of a second analog stick, especially duriing those times underwater or flying enemies. Aiming manually feels kind of slow, but helps in getting a good sight to kill. And theres a fun part, you get to ride one of the chimera tanks (or something like it) and blast your way through the levels. Blasting giant chimeras, angels and droneships using the laark really is fun, seeing the blasts and all. The view control is similar to syphon filter's, using the buttons to pan your view and the camera works just fine.

The game's music fits perfectly into the environment, sometimes engaging or thrilling, adding to the game's fast paced action. The graphics are perfect, especially the cutscenes, Grayson's character looks great along with the environment. (The graphics are the same as crisis core, with better gameplay graphics though due to the environment). And the voice casting is top notch, the lines are perfectly laid out, and not to mention funny and hillarious in some parts (consider the british way of expressing themselves with the word 'bloody').

Overall, retribution is one of the perfect psp games of all time, it's fast paced action with a great story and castfits in perfectly with the great gameplay structure, despite people saying things about psp shooters. i must say I can't get this game out of my hands, it's one of the best shooters of psp, and it's replayable too. There's intel scattered around th levels which has journals and story plots filling in the main story of the resistance series. Fans and newcomers alike will enjoy this game, especially the feeling of blowing chimera asses! This game rocks!!