Resistance retribution is every bit as fun as it's console versions.
Resistance on PS3 was a blast and when i heard it was coming to PSP i had my doubts afterall most psp games are a hit or miss with the single stick so i took the risk and am glad to say that this is worth every bit of the asking price.
Resistance retribution has a decent story with fantastic cutscenes and grayson who you play as manages to be funny but serious through the story.
(I also love the 3rd person)
Now im not going to give anything away but what i will say is the story was better than i expected and the boss fights and other set pieces are hugely enjoyable and the story lasts 12 hours which in shooter terms is a long time.
Well at first they are clunky you move with the analog stick and turn left to right with the main buttons which is weird at first but with the auto aim it feels great eventually
Nice lighting good character models and big levels make this an impressive visual delight.
Multiplayer 2-8
The multiplayer is in my opinion fantastic the gun battles with other player require strategy due to the auto aim which you could say makes the multiplayer a bit noobish but actually you need to have a fair amount of skill especially when your enemy throws grenades at your feet. The multiplayer has voice chat which is great for us 3000 owners and it makes the online more strategic because communicating with other players certainly helps but overall i loved the mp even though there is only 5 maps.
With a lengthy story and addictive fun multiplayer resistance retribution is right up there with the psps best.