At last a perfect shooter for the PSP. Great story, great challenge, great fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance: Retribution PSP
This game was needed for the PSP. There are many games of discussable quality for the best handheld, but this one is very, very welcome. It's my first encounter with James Graydon, but I like the guy. His attitude towards and knowledge of the Chimera brings him much further than any regular soldier.

The story is great, one linear, but great. The atmosphere and the graphics of the game are fantastic. The soundtrack is one of a kind: very well orchestrated, sometimes bombastic, but always giving the right color to the game.

Resistance: Retribution makes you sometimes wish for a second analog stick, but along the way, the buttons do the job adequately. In some fight you notice the difficulty of missing a second stick.
Some levels are too difficult to pass in a normal way. You score way over par fighting some enemies. They will make you say things where in regular conversations you wouldn't think of. The other side of this difficulty is that you learn to use and choose your weapons wisely.
And great weapons they are! Every piece has its own great characteristics. It is great fun to have such a wide range of armour and to empty them at the great variety of enemies.

The last level came earlier than I wished for. It's over before you know it. But I played Retribution day after day without playing any other game in the meantime. Resistance: Retribution is a game that sucks you in and doesn't let you go before having made that last shot.
And then you will start all over again. You just have to. Because Resistance: Retribution is highly addictive in any way. You can not live without it. So can't your PSP.