a must have for any PSP owner
You play as James Grayson a former member of the Royal Marines. Grayson is a unstable and angry person at the beginning of the game, he has a Quick mouth that would get him killed very quickly if the chimera could speak English, despite being ruff around the edges you sympathise with Grayson and may even like him as a character even if you think he is a bit of a £$%^.
The graphics are pretty sold, and pretty good for a PSP game & the frame rate holds up even when there are a multitude of enemies on screen(not that this happens to often) the fights in the game are mainly you verses three or four chimera at a time or a few more drones. the game uses an auto aim system that doesn't make things easy but allows you to shoot your enemies rather than just in their general direction . the auto-aim is necessary as the PSP lacks a second thumb stick.
the online mode is all right nothing special you get the usual team deathmatch, capture the flag, etc. there is s mode called contamination, in this mode each player takes a turn at being a cloven and then tries to contaminate the other players and turn them into cloven.
this is a great game with a solid story that is a great addition to a great franchise and is a PSP owners must have.