Playstation 4 launched with the weakest exclusives lineup ever, this is undeniable. Only 3 new and exclusives: Killzone, Knack and Resogun…
Resogun is a shoot'em up with a bunch of effects and voxel physics, à la Geometry Wars. To sum it up, it's like Defenders from Atari 2600 (if you are old enough to remember that) with today's graphics and gameplay. That's it. Yup, that's pretty much it.
The game looks incredible, it is fluid, controls are solid. You have 3 different ships to choose from, each with different weapon upgrades (there's no xp/money, you actually earn them the good old fashion way, by picking up drops), controls and special weapon durability and charging (they're all the same).
The levels are like an arena, a small circle that goes around, you may move towards the left and right, enemies spawn everywhere. You can dash, use bombs to clear everything up and use the special weapon once you charge it, that kills a lot of stuff in slow motion, bringing your multiplier higher up...
Each level has a bunch of humans you have to pick up and drop them to safety in exchange of a random item or points, and a huge boss fight. I love the boss fights, it's bullet hell all over.
So, once you start to get addicted to it -- game over, you're done with it! The game is too short… the only replay level here is to play on a higher difficult level and get the trophies… There's a co-op mode but honestly I didn't play much since it's p2p and I couldn't find anyone near me with a decent ping to play nicely...
In the end, it doesn't look like a PS4 game… it's like a PS3 game that runs pretty good… For 15 bucks, you better off wait for a price drop if you're not a PS+ subscriber. If you are, then you probably already beat this game up and have moved on a long time ago.
- Great visuals, great controls.
- Freaking awesome boss fights
- Hard enough on Veteran, great bullet hell shmup for fans of the genre
- Incredibly short
- Not exactly what we expected as the best PS4 exclusive title…
- Too expensive if you're not a PS+ subscriber