Still going Strong
After a few months since the release of the next-gen consoles I argue that Resogun has stole the show for the best game released on Next-gen consoles. With a fast paced environment, online co-op, and challenging gameplay, Resogun is fun every time that I load it up on my PS4. These characteristics coupled with the simplistic controls and visually appealing graphics has created that arcade style feel that could keep you entertained for hours.
Keeping you Entertained
Unlike many other games that get released, after a month of playing you are ready to move on to something new whether the story line has been completed or perhaps the challenge is just not hard enough. Resogun although being released about 5 months ago continues to be for me at least one of the best games for re-playability on next-gen. Although it only has a small number of levels to play through you will see yourself re-loading the game to conquer the next highest difficulty setting or to move up a couple of places on the highly competitive leaderboard. Add in the online co-op mode you can grab a buddy and take on each level as a team increasing your odds of completing each level.
New things to Come
Recently the creators of Resogun have announced that there will be an update to the game with added features to make the twin stick shooter even better, which hinted at local co-op mode which will allow you to share the fun with someone else sitting next to you rather than online. Perhaps the best thing about this game that makes it the best released PS4 game so far is that is was free to download when the PS4 was released!