I love video games SO GODDAMN MUCH!
This game has pointed out to me that the reason why people today are playing "Halo 3" instead of "Castlevania 3" and "God of War" instead of "Gradius" is not because the new games are better. It's because today, we demand meta-game. Whether it be community, achievements, unlocks, or whatever else, we have come to expect that level of meta-game and quickly move on when it's not there. That drive to unlock a new weapon - to beat the guy who was trash talking you on Live - that drive to play World of WarCraft at all - it's all meta-game drives. The feeling that you are "advancing" in a way beyond the core mechanics of the game. Now, I love Galaga, but unless I have a bunch of friends over who all want to play it, I never play it. Retro Game Challenge adds this meta element to its brilliant 8 bit games (one of which is VERY MUCH like Galaga), and all the sudden I am sucked in. So the lesson here is, if you re-release say, Castlevanias 1-3 together in a package, but add tons of great metagame and community, people will go nuts over it. That's what they should be doing with the live arcade and wiiware stuff.
Read my full review (including a much needed stab at idiotic Gamespot editors) here: www.expensiveplanetarium.com