A solid game, that should be looked into by everyone because of the price tag.

User Rating: 8.6 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
You really have no excuse not to try this game because its a free download and if you don't like it get rid of it. Now about the game itself, you would think that a game that is free is going to suck, right? Well in this case your wrong. Before i go own i should say this those looking for a single player with the download will be disappointed because its only multiplayer. What makes this game worth your time is the gameplay, the constant heat of battle, the great map design and its extremely well done teambased gameplay. As far as I'm concerened the focus on teamwork and strategy are some of the best in any game yet. Every class in the game serves a huge purpose. For example in one map you must construct a bridge then drive a tank all across the map to the enemys base bust it open and then destroy its fuel tank. Here is the strategy that comes in: You first need a engineer to build the bridge and repair the tanks so you must have plenty of engineers. Of course everyone knows how the shooters are used. The medics, are their for support and keeping your men alive so they won't have to respawn back at the base. And your Cvops which can steal the enemys uniform and sneak around and have sniper rifles so you need them for stealth on picking off the guards at the fornt base gate. Finally the field ops which can call for air strikes anywhere and have ammunition on them and so you need them everywhere to get more weapons or air strikes. As you can see every class is useful, but the classes aren't the only thing done well, the map designs are very well done and keep it fairly well balanced. But their only are 6 maps so there could have been a lot more. Also it seems the defending team on each objective has a slight advantage. One big gameplay improvement is the ability to increase your rank. Not only is this just cool to have and showoff your high ranking but it also helps the field your in. Example: Soldiers weapons hold more ammunition and are slightly more damaging after ranking up high enough. This ranking system is done in three consecutive maps but after the third one it starts over. One pretty big problem with the game is its noticable graphical problems, and although it doesn't hamper the gameplay to much its just not as good as games today. On the contrary though the sound is done quite well, there is nothing like air strikes going off and detonaters exploding ad men screaming for medics but are then stabbed to death. The last problem with the game is that it sometimes suffers from technical problems online, and can really be frusturating. And occasionally framerates during games is just pathetic. These problems don't happen that often but are really annoying when they do happen. For a game that was free it does a lot right and deserves a shot from every FPS fan, because you won't find any better deals than this.