A great multiplayer that all can play, very immersive and one of my personal favorites although I do have a few problems
Graphics: Just your ordinary generic MMOFPS graphics, so in other words it mirrors CSS. There are no comlpaints here well made and presented
Gameplay and Controls: Well it's an online FPS so expect the normallity, in other words your WSAD keys and left click shooting. As for maps there is a good variety from regular World War 2 battlefields to user created maps that resemble houses! Map layouts aren't normally very large and can be figured out, layout wise, fairly easily. There are different types of missions on each map, such as deathmatch and campain/objective, the latter showing up the most often. In campain all you do is figure out objectives which might be demolition or capture this, so its fairly easy to get a handle on. However sometimes the game can get glitchy because of the massive amount of users and maps not being very well designed. Some maps have problems such as certain areas where your player can glitch out and stand in one place for a prolonged amount of time, (in which cae I throw a gernade to kill myself). However a problem such as that aren't too bad.
Online Aspect: There are many clans out there on the boards that you can join, (see their websites on their specific servers), which creates a more jointed and much more fun experience to have with friends. However with every plus comes con and this being that admins can be abusive of their powers. I have had countless upon countless of people ban me or kick me from their server! Now I know what you're thinking, "Well you probably did something wrong you retard I know the rules of the servers that I go on but because I like to talk during gameplay, this not being any offensive yammerings, or just the fact that I'm actually doing better than an admin! However these are just personal encounters of mine, those of which I hope never happens to any of you all.
- Summary: An overall good game, online experience is mediocre but it still has that right flair that will keep you playing regardless of any problems. The learning curve is just right 30min to 45min of play should do it. I personally love this game very much as I hope all of you will. Good luck and have fun gaming!