Offically the most hacked game you'll ever play, totally pointless to play legitmately.
Hacks pretty much sums up W:ET, you can't join a game without half or most of the players using them, heck even on Xfire I can see half the players cheating without even playing the game. PBBans is rapidly approaching the 8000 ban mark for this game, it already supassed SoF2 for low down dirty cheaters.
Difficulty: Very Hard since if you want to play, you better learn how to use a CE and how to bypass punkbuster in order to stand a fair chance, not that i'm supporting that method.
Learning Curve: Its going to take you an extreme amount of time to learn the maps since if you don't cheat, your bait for wall hack snipers.
Classification: Totally a waste of time, space and effort. Only cheats, script kiddies and blantant hackers play this game. I think its about time the devs got extremely nasty with regards to the hacking problem it has, start mass banning accounts, then'll we'll talk about a more postive review....the game would be pretty good if it wasn't for the kiddy population who can't shoot a gun without the use of a aimbot or can't see through walls, awwww poor wittle noobs.
Update: RTCW:Enemy Territory now has had over 33,000 bans to date, still officially the most hacked game ever O.o : thanks to the losers to gave a negative recommedation, proberly hackers who play the game...:rolleyes: