A great free game!

User Rating: 7 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
Return to Castle Wolfenstien : Enemy Territory is an online multiplayer game that is free. It features great gameplay and many different gametypes and maps. The only problem with the game is that since it is free people have downloaded the sorce code. Then they have modded the game. This would be okay if they didn't use it to cheat. But what can you do, even people on Halo 2 on X-Box Live sometimes mod. Another problem is that the game has no single player, but it most likely wouldn't be that good anyways. For the gameplay, it is very fun and most of the time stress relieving. The sound is decent, but what do you expect, the game is free. The graphics are good for their time. This game is great for the value, because it is free. Overall, this game is really good and you should download it right away.