This is a decent first person shooter for free.
User Rating: 8.5 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
This game is pretty good for being free, there is no buying premium or upgrading any kind of accounts either =). The graphics are quite blocky, but for a free game you really can't expect high quality. The sounds are pretty basic from gun fire to voice commands. I played this for awhile but it does tend to get boring. You might also recognize the Publisher of this game, Activision, from their newest game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and the Developer, Splash Damage, for their role in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. This is another WWII style first person shooter. There are two factions, allies and axis, and 5 classes: soldier, engineer, medic, field-ops, and covert-ops. The classes each have there own set of items (medics have med packs, covert-ops have satchel charges etc.) along with class specific weapons. Unfortunately punkbuster is used as the hack protection service which can often be very frustrating and buggy. One good thing about this game is there are still a surprising amount of people who actively play. This game is over all pretty good, mainly because it's free. =D