One of the best FREE games you could ever get

User Rating: 8.9 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
You have played wolfenstein on xbox, you have played it on pc, ps2? So you have played it all right?


RTCW-ET is a FREE DOWNLOAD that you can get perfect legal from most any gaming site that will add total new immersion to the games multiplayer experience.

Whats different?

Where to start? The maps, The charcter classes, the guns, the models, the experince system?

Character classes:
This stand alone mod has added new classes with most of the classes are selectable weapons, There is the soldier, the medic, the lieutenant, and spec ops. and engineer.


Each class has different weapons and most of the old weapons are availible with the exception to the minigun from the first.

The soldier- can have a machine gun, flame thrower, mortar launcher, or bazooka and the fully automatic fg42 for mowing down rows of enemies.

The medic- is limited to using a machine gun but can also drop health packs, and resurrect the fallen.

The lieutenant- also carries a machine gun but can also call in artillery strikes, bombing runs, or drop ammunition.

The engineer- can choose from either a machine gun or a rifle that can lob a grenade, he can also build necessary objectives or repair objectives. He can drop dynamite and plant mines as well.

The spec-ops-one of my favorites, he is the sniper and the spy. You can choose from a silenced rifle, a sten, or semi-automatic rifle. He can disguise himself with an enemy uniform, and drop devestating satchel charges, he also has smoke grenades.

The models:

They are all different from the first everything from the characters to the weapons themselves are remapped and much better looking.

The Maps:

You will find almost no maps that are the same as the original, instead of an all out deathmatch or a capture and hold typ of game, everything is extremely objective based. For example, one map you must escort a tank through a close quarter town and blow a hole in the nearby bank, load the truck with gold. While the other team must build blockades and machine guns and mine the roads and not let the tank through. Everything is based off teamwork and you cannot win alone.

Experience system:

Probably THE most unique addition to the experience is the experience or ranking system. There are a few different catagories you can rank up in. It's fairly simple, you start as a private and move up the ranks by completing objectives, killing the enemy, or being a good teamate. You gain bonuses along the way, for example if you are a medic and you do a good job healing, you will be rewarded with an improved syringe that can bring teamates back to life with full health. If you are efficient enough with your weapon you can eventually earn dual pistols, and so forth.

The good:

Tons of new features from the old version. Great new maps and teambased objectives. Awesome characters and guns. The experience system is truely unique and adds a total new dimension to the game.

The evil:

Some servers get a bit laggy(some) Rocket launcher is still a little overpowered. Engine is a little old.

All in all:

RTCW-ET is without a doubt THE best game that you can legitimately get 100% free, any serious FPS fan should have already played this and if not needs to use up some of their bandwidth to get it now! There is almost nothing about this game you will really not like.