It was about 1 and a half years ago when I downloaded RTCW:ET. Was I pleasently surprised! Read on...
2: The classes+Weapons
3: Mods+Maps
4: Popular Servers
5: How to get a good aim as quickly as possible
6: Tips and Tricks
1: Introduction
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (from now on I will refer to it has ET) is one of the few good free games out there. Americas Army is the only other good free shooter that I now of. Enemy Territory should have been an expansion to Return To Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW). But for some vague reasons only the multiplayer was released as a free stand-alone game.
2: Classes + Weapons
Soldier: The allround "kill-casher". Can choose heavy weapons.
Weapons available. SMG (MP40/Thompson) Panzerfaust (rocketlauncher) Flamethrower, MG42 (deployable machinegun) Mortar
Medic: This is the doctor in the game, meant as a support unit. But because this unit automaticly heals itself with 3 hp per second, a lot of people use it as "rambo-medic"; just fragging everything that comes in their way. "rambo-medics" are the bankbone of your team in pub servers (public servers). Their special ability is to revive a criticly wounded teammate or drop medpacks. (VERY handy, this can be used to heal yourself, just take cover and drop a few on the ground and voila full health! )
Weapons available: SMG (MP40/Thompson)
Engineer: This class can destroy and build things. In almost any map this are vital to your victory, because the objectives are sometimes destroy/building things.
Weapons available: SMG(MP40/Thompson) Rifle/grenadelauncher (K43+granatwerfer/M1 garand+grenadelauncher)