This is a kind of A medal of honor game with a slight twist to it. More of a sci-f,i WWII, first person shooter. Well, honestly, I wouldnt mind if iD software didnt even make a single player component to this game. The multiplayer is the show stopper. So that is what I am going to talk about. What is so great about Wolfenstein's XBL multiplayer component is that it really takes a lot of teamwork to win. There's four types of classes in the MP, Lieutenant, medic, Engineer and Soldier. The Lieut. carries ammo and distributes it to a player when he is is out of ammo. the job of a medic kind of explains itself, you are allowed to give out med kits and heal people if killed. The Engineer, is the guy that plants the dynamite on the team. The soldier class really has no responsibility besides fragging the other team, plus they have an advantage or choosing weapons(such as a sniper rifle) the other classes aren't allowed to have. A pretty cool thing is, you don't get points just for killing the opponent(like in other fps), you can also get points for giving out an ammo pack or a medkit. You may also get points for planting dynamite, controlling a position( ex. a bunker) and grabbing the objective. So at the end of a match instead of having a score of 20 you may have a score of 60. On XBL theres tons of maps, the most popular one is the beach( beach invasion). It's probably the most funnest of them all also, in it the allies must grab the war documents and transmit them while the germans have to defend it, so look for some beach servers one you get it( of course other maps are cool to) So my last word is, if you liked RTCW and ET for the PC you will certainly like the console version. Even if you haven't ever play those games still get it, it's only around $10(if used ) and $20 when new.
Other Helpful Reviews for Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War
The good: graphics are really nice, co-op, online mode is good, smart AI The bad: lag in co-op and online play, lets start out by saying this game is better the the pc version released a few years ago (before t... Read Full Review
Playing this game is like being wasted! (And I mean that in a bad way). It's a classic case of "needs DOOM auto aim badly". First person shooters are a disaster on consoles because of the controller (should be a mouse ... Read Full Review