Great WWII game, but not the best.
Pros: Easy to learn
Good level designs
Creative story
cool characters
nice guns
you can unlock one the best FPS games : the original wolfenstein 3d (a bit hard for newbies though due to mazelike levels)
a decent length
only $5 used at Gamestop or EB
lots of action (i loved the kugelsdtat level)
Graphics are good, but not up to date
sound is not so good either
some guns have tons of ammo and some have very little (i always had 300 9mm and 0 .45 cal lol)
a lot of levels are linear
you need internet or system link to do some parts of multiplayer
goes from realistic to strange (zombies, robots (including robot dogs) lightning guns, chain guns in wwII)
enemies took a bit much to take down
no allies
If you don't like Quake or Doom games, don't buy this. If you do, this is a great game by the same people. Plus Wolfenstein 3D wich is worth the $5 i payed for the game +more.