Great fantasy/war shooter!

User Rating: 9.2 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein PC
If i would have to characterise this game in a few words i would have to say that it's a war/fantasy shooter.The bigger role in this game plays the war but the paranormal happenings kick in right at the perfect moment.

Its a very unique shooter,great graphics,a good story line,much fantasy for a war shooter and great guns.You will be the hero saving the day over and over just like in any other shooter.The places you will find you're self in are great,very nice to explore,the visuals contributing very much to the success of this game.

You enter the role of a soldier that at the beginning plays its role in the war just like any other one.Step by step you are put in much more difficult situations witch you will have to pass,but don't worry,because the guns get better too so it won't be to hard.

The sound is very good to,contributing as well to the atmosphere of the game.The boss monsters are the trickiest part of the game but if you're careful and reach them with a full inventory and life then it won't be that hard.You might even enjoy the boss monsters.I know i did.Well,not all of them,but Heinrich was amazing.You'll see what im talking about at the right time.

I enjoyed this game a lot and im giving it a thumbs up,no doubt.If you want a shooter thats interesting an innovating,you've found it.
It even has a great multi player,so you should give that a try to.I played it for quite a few times in multi player and it was really fun.