"open door" "pick up object" "walk forward" "read note" "hit wall" "commit suicide"
User Rating: 6.7 | Return to Zork PC
Is this the one where you have that wierd old guy talk to you in that magic crystal ball? Man, this was such as long time ago, I remember this game as the first I've received from someone else. It came in a package that had a lot of hoopla and documentation about Zork, but I knew nothing of it until later on. This was installed on my 386 in one of those big plastic floppies...ah the memories. Yes, I had to type commands in MSDOS to run it, but then it was more graphical. I found it hard to play because it's really intense on puzzel solving. Can I wade into the water? Nope, I get a "you died" screen with my grave, have to reload my last game. The sound came from within the computer and the graphics were very grainy. I was into games like Doom and here's Zork, I was fed up with it and I never played that thing again, even in its non-text gameplay I found it to be frustrating. For the MSDOS games, where you have to type commands, man, I've got lots of respect to those who actually sat down for who know how many hours to play that thing.