If you're looking for yet another mech game and don't care if the game is any good or not, Amok might be right up your alley. The only new twist Amok provides is a couple of underwater levels, which play exactly like the walking levels, except that you're forced to shoot sharks. Going down....
The action in Amok is broken up into missions, with multiple objectives in the later ones. In most missions, you walk from one side of the battlefield to the other, find a small building, blow it up, and wander back across the landscape to waste some soldiers. To make all this plodding around interesting, your mech takes flack from all sorts of ground emplacements, mobile units, and weird flying creatures. Been there, done that.
Tired-out gameplay aside, Amok is a fairly solid-looking game. The polygon graphics look good, with several jagged mountains lending that claustrophobic, life-in-the-fishbowl feel. The bad guys look good, too - especially the dead shark carcasses that float toward the surface. Amok is also packed with quality gunfire sounds, and the screams of the tiny soldiers (as the player's massive 'bot crushes them) are satisfyingly grisly. Controlling the droid is fairly easy, but targeting enemies can be more difficult than it should: You will find yourself spinning around quite a bit to find the perfect range.
Despite its pluses, however, Amok doesn't meet the daily recommended dosage of mechanical fun. Save your money until MechWarrior 2 hits the consoles.