Gothic Graveyard, in genre (if not in execution), pays homage to overhead-view survival adventures like Gauntlet. Jumbuck was able to capture the solid graphics and busy gameplay of that title, but Gothic Graveyard doesn't measure up to the classics that inspired it.
You play a chain saw-for-hands "hero" who must use his appendages, as well as a flamethrower, to dispatch different graveyards of ghosts and ghouls. Your enemies are mostly made up of skeletons and spiders, though the latter appear to be cute rather than dangerous.
The problem with Gothic Graveyard is its repetitiveness. You wander around the level, which has very few walls or passages, kill your quota of demons, and walk to the exit. All the graveyards look the same (not true anywhere else), and it seems that there are only four different enemies. The difficulty level, even on the hard setting, is very light.
However, the nail in the coffin is the lack of sound. Where's the groan of the ghouls? The steps of the spiders? Where's the freaking chain saw sound? Inserting a sound effect or two could have really added flavor to this game.
As it is, Gothic Graveyard succeeds at bringing back memories of classic horror games. But as it turns out, those memories are better than this game.