Mah Jong Medley exists as a happy medium between the superior Mah Jong Quest and inferior Mah Jong Tiles Deluxe, all of which also exist on the MSN Games service. Unlike Tiles Deluxe, Medley provides multiple variations on the core tile matching game. But unlike Quest, there's not really much here that you probably couldn't get just as easily for free elsewhere.
There are four play types in Mah Jong Medley. Classic is the classic mahjong game, where you're given a layout of lots of mahjong tiles and you try to match them up. Ten is a variation of the classic game, where your entire purpose is to match tiles that add up to 10. So you want threes and sevens, ones and nines, and so on. Freecell is another spin on the classic game that provides you with two open spaces, where you can move an unmatchable free tile so as to free up a previously inaccessible one. Finally, Addiction is a solitaire-like game where your purpose is to arrange a scattered collection of tiles--numbered one through 10 and categorized by different suits--into a one-through-10 order. This is easily the most interesting game that Medley has to offer, as it's quite challenging and can sometimes go on for quite some time. You're only granted a few free spaces on the board with which to move tiles around, so it takes quite a bit of concentration to figure out the best strategies for moving tiles into their allotted spaces.
Addiction is really what sets Mah Jong Medley a cut above a standard mahjong game, simply because all the other variations of the game are just slightly more complex versions of the same game. The game tracks your high score and has a nice interface, but it's tough to really recommend to anyone but the most diehard of mahjong players, because it doesn't do a whole lot that other, freeware mahjong games do. For the diehards, though, Mah Jong Medley isn't a bad choice. It just isn't the best one.