Super Sky Diving plays like the worst levels of Pilotwings 64, only without the (formerly) impressive graphics. In the game, you repeatedly parachute out of a propeller plane over a featureless green landscape. On the way down, you must shift your weight slightly so you can fly through various-colored rings. The action moves at an appallingly slow frame rate and it's not much fun to begin with.
Super Sky Diving is mostly controlled with the navigation pad. Arrows pop up onscreen, prompting you in the directions you need go so that you can reach the airborne rings. Pressing the enter key will cause you to perform a flip and will earn you a few points. When you're getting dangerously close to the ground, it's a good idea to trigger your parachute. You'll now move even more painfully slowly than before. Your goal during the parachute segment of your descent is to angle yourself above a landing pad so that you'll hopefully wind up in its center when you land. You'll have ample time to accomplish this feat, so it's hardly challenging.
When you're finished with a run, your score is recorded. Then it's on to level two, which isn't much different from level one. The difficulty may increase, but the setting stays the same. You can pretty much play Super Sky Diving until you grow too bored to continue, which shouldn't take long. Your score is ultimately recorded, but it's stored locally and can't be uploaded to an online leaderboard. In other words, there's not much here to keep you playing.
Super Sky Diving just doesn't look very good (on the Sony Ericsson S710). The plane and diver models got the most love here, but they're merely passable. The ground only looks decent from about 30,000 feet, and that illusion quickly breaks down as you approach the landing site. The larger problem, though, is that the game runs in single frames per second. During the parachute segment, in particular, you'll feel like you're watching a slide show.
If you like the easy listening "smooth" jazz played on most tech-support lines, you'll also be a fan of Super Sky Diving's music. We almost expected to see Kenny G clutching his sax and plummeting next to our diver. Fortunately, this nonsense can be turned off at any time with the touch of a key.
The bottom line is that Super Sky Diving isn't any fun to play. You could choose to dislike the game for a litany of reasons, but its yawn-producing nonaction is probably your best option. Super Sky Diving, despite its name, is not in any way an enhanced version of its sport. Whereas actual sky diving is (presumably) thrilling, this game will slow your heart rate to levels unattainable by even the most skilled yogis.