Simply Underrated

User Rating: 8 | Revolution X GEN
This game is awesome and heres why

Story 5/5 The Story is to stop the new order nation from takinging over they take away music Tv and Video Games so its up to you to Save The Kidnapped Aerosmith and save the world from the New Order Nation
My Opinion on the story I rated this 5/5 because its weird its new and its out there and is Orignal so it Deserves Cridet For this

Graphics 3/5 For the time it was ok but when you have your Shooting Target Pointed Somewhere and it matches in with the backround it can be hard to tell if u died or not

Gameplay 5/5 Gameplay is easy especialy with a 3 button controler so yea nothing wrong here

Sound 3/5 The Sound is Often Compared with the SNES version and the sound is better on SNES but is ok for the Genesis

2 Player Mode 5/5 This is a great game to play with when a friend is over its a great game to play

Final Verdict this is a great game and is great for Hardcore Aerosmith fans