Extremely repetitive, boring and pointless. A complete waste of time and money - a typical outdated korean game basicly.

User Rating: 2.8 | RF Online PC
I was annoyed that I foolishly wasted money on this. Despite the screenshots it really doesnt look all that great. The main problem with it though is.....THERE IS NOTHING TO DO!!!! You go out and bash/shoot monsters which improves your skills and puts your levels up and yet requires absolutely no skill to play. You do this repeatedly until level 30 and then you can go and do exactly the same thing against other players. Why?! Whats the point to it all? Answer = There is none. There arent even any decent quests or little bits of plot/story to break up the bordom. If someone is going to release a game as boring as this then they could at least try to disguise it somehow like other boring mmo's do. Character customisation is almost non-existent too so everyone in each class looks almost identical at each level bracket. This is simply an out-of-date grind fest that is falsly packaged as being something new. Avoid this piece of Korean trash at all costs!!!