since WoW, mmo's will get put down by fans, this is why this review is needed (im a beta tester now high level in game)

User Rating: 9 | RF Online PC
I will start off with a minor rant about controls and stuff when they either didnt look at the back of the manual or went thru the (i know its boring) tutorial - this is a must people, dont come on here complaining till you know all the controls, as they pretty are easy to begin with. This rant due to people complaining about controls / cant find quests / random stuff and trivial stuff that either biased people miss on purpose or people just forgot how to read - and yes even the preview on gamespot has this problem as the quest journal (press J) tells you exactly where to go to find your quest mob which all of this can be found on the back page of your manual.

Now for the review:

I have longed for a mmo that rewarded hard work and not luck, and this baby has it in spades, yep Finally a mmo thats kind of like RuneScape (i know your probablly laughing right now, but this is indeed a GOOD thing) as RuneScape rewarded hard work due to its drop rates, simple armor classes, simple weapons and!! multi-threaded grinding.

There is no real quest story line, and while i dont care for it much theres far to many mmo's with quest immersion (iam not saying its good or bad, its prefrence) you can play EQ1, EQ2, WoW and the quest stories from just those will last you 8 years at least but RF Online does it simple you get a quest each time you level, sometimes more then 1, and once you complete it you instantly get the reward (XP, Money, Items) so now no more running for quest npcs. (if you play EQ1 then this is a huge improvement :D) See i am the type of player who doesnt care for the quest story i just want the reward and maybe a thanks and it seems iam not alone on this.

PvE and PVP and RvRvR:

The PvE (Player vs Environment) is not up to par with other mmo's like WoW, EQ2, FFXI - somewhat due to the questing (which keeps you in a single zone for longer due to instant reward) and that the mobs dont aways fit the profile of the land your in (minor gripe that applies to alot of rpgs/mmos but its noticeable here) but its mobs are progressively harder so its easy to understand and having a map helps. AND the bonus to the odd creatures is just seeing some of them.... wait till you see some Brutals or Assassin Builders in Solus or Belphagore in Caldron, as they really make me want to kill them for being awesome looking.

PvP is KING, oh yes, hes back. As i said before that you get credit for hard work, well heres one BIG payoff - i cant explain it more then what has been said before so i will keep it brief but its the reason why i get giddy when i see a Chip War (CW) Starting (which happens every 8 hours) and even if theres not a CW on you can aways go into zones that can have some other races to pound on. The bonus and something i really enjoy is that all HQ zones are pretty much off limits to PvP (yay to no ganking) and in those zones themselves you can get to 25 (the level you need to be to damage a Chip in the CW) and that towns are off limits also. You cannot talk to the other race, only one of the Race Leaders (RL) can talk to other RL's for deplomicy to gang up on another race :D

RvRvR is Race vs Race vs Race and that pretty much explains it, i hate certain people on differant races as all people do but the thing is 1 person can make a difference, 1 person can divine a strat tell it to the whole Race and try and execute it with 70+ troops and 2 other races to deal with. Another person can be, we'll say 'ownage' and turn the tide in the CW for all his/her hard work on making a dps machine. Another person for buffing the group with Speed (faster run) to aid hugely in scouting and breaking lines AND another for getting the last hit on the Chip AND another person for....... so in 1 CW you can have a multitude of Heros come out of it all due to hard work and a little luck.

The Wars are going to get different, as they say in the next giga update the level 50+ people will be fighting CW's for towns and level 75 + space and time conveyer and 100+ for Planets and Systems, so the future is bright.

So thats it, a futuristic mmo that has its PvP roots in the rock, paper, scissor formula with Mechs, Summoned Creatures and Siege Cannons and that actually rewards hard work.