Just for oriental-style fans...
The game appeals the gamer with a nice graphic (it resembles Lineage very much) and a clean interface. The quests are given to you each time you level so you don't need to look for NPCs (and this can be good for someone who don't like traveling much). There are three races: Accretia, Bellato and Cora, respectively: some kind of mechs/big robots, small halflings and the classic elves.
While Accreatias and Coras don't add much to the fantasy world, Bellato can become drivers and buy M.A.U.s, which are huge mechanical pets (robots) that can tank and lay waste on the battlefield.
I know it may sounds interesting at first, but behind all the fashion I've told you about there are thousand of hours spent grinding.
In RF Online you don't only need to grind for XP (which is the least important thing in the game), but you also need to grind for each kind of ability you want to raise.
A warrior for example has a range skill, a close range skill, a shield skill and a defense skill (i'm leaving racial unique skills out). Well, for each of these skills you need to grind using a particular weapon/shield killing mobs of the right level (read mobs who give you enough PT points).
If you don't grind PT points and level up instead, you risk to gimp that particular skill and not being able to recover it anymore (which means you need to reroll).
If you manage to cap your PTs the time of leveling up comes. This can be quite easy the first 20 levels just to become a nightmare from that point on. Basically you need to group with many people to kill "ACE" mobs which are too strong to be killed alone.
Keep in mind you can take the quest for the RvRvR battle (called Chip War) only at level 25 (you can participate without it, but the problem is a low level player don't stand any chance during the fight).
The PvE part of the game is another absurd aspect of RFO. To obtain enough XP and PTs you need to kill mobs 4 or 5 levels higher than you; this means you take a lot of damage and constantly need to drink health potions (which have a 3 secs cooldown) to stay alive. Mobs don't keep aggro if not attacked so you can't simply hit 4 or 5 of them hoping to grind shield or defence while pressing the key to drink potions, you need to furiously switch targets hoping that other players will leave you alone (you wouldn't have time to tell them to).
I won't tell you about the equipment you need to change every 3 levels since I've talked too much already, so I will simply tell you this game was made for asian people and should only be played by someone who doesn't really have much to do in his/her life apart from staying in front of a monitor for days and days.
Go play Tetris instead, you would get much more fun out of it, believe me.