Potion drinking and mindless combat
Ever been mugged in the street? thats how i feel.
I never played the beta so i had no idea what crap i was in for. this is the most mindless game i have ever played.
All the game mainly consists of is whacking mobs one after the other and drinking potions to replenish your health/Force (mana) /stamina .
You get quests to do as you level up, but guess what, thats right the quests are simply kill x amount of y mobs.
Oh and you can mine too, which is automated, wow what fun... not.
The only fun part of the game is chip wars, which is the pvp part of the game, the only part of this product that can be called a game.
Every 8 hrs a chip war starts and whatever race wins get the mining rights until the next chip war, yawn..
I've played a few mmos in my time, EQ, EQ2, AO, WoW, AC2, EVE online and i have to say RF online is by far the worst.
This game isnt worth The £8.99 +Vat a month, your better off buying Guild wars , 10x more content and no monthly charges.