A game based on PvP that also allows instant ports to town and potions that fill your life in one usage, BOREDOM

User Rating: 2.9 | RF Online PC
The graphics at least on the character models are good, the enviroments are bland and boring. The mobs all look unique but at the same time are far from exciting. As far as gear and money, neither are a problem to obtain. Like most MMORPG's ranged players have an advantage soon in the game in PvP. I joined the world of RF looking forward to the PvP. I was really disappointed to see how the PvP pans out. The PvP involves the players spamming pots to outlive the enemy. Unless u are outnumbered greatly by higher lvl players you wont die. I found myself tanking several chacters at the same time and they would not be able to drop me becauze of the potions but at the same time I could not drop them because they spammed potions or ported to town. SO goes the PvP in RF-Online. Just like all MMORPG's its not done and the game at this point seems unfinished and very small. With only a few zones to lvl and PvP in and some of those being buged this game was a huge disapointment.