Should you buy that game or not...?

User Rating: 5.6 | RF Online PC
Rising Force Online, is first of all, an "anime" graphic mmog. For every fans of Lineage and those others game, you'll enjoy the characters. For others like, well, you'll find them just simply done.

Let's start with the pros of that games...

First of all, it's true about the addictive part of the game. Once you've started, you really want to get throught the first 30s levels so you can try PvP system. So somehow, the game push you to play the game for a full week and then after you can realise that the game got some very nice stuff starting at this level. The music of the game was also very well done.

A good part of the game, is no matter which class you choose, you can boost any skill you want. So from that point, the customisation is awesome since you can master spell of the spiritualist(caster) while been a warrior. The only matter is that you don't have much mana as they do.

For the cons now, and sorry for having so much to say...

First of all, it's true it's really just about killing beast until level 25-30. I mean, you just run through those damn and long boring plains all along to find the creatures you have been told to kill 20 times. Let's not forget that the quest are automatically receive "in your hear" by the faction's NPC leader at the required level. You don't even need to retrieve those quest, the reward is magicly given to you once you have complete the carnage "problem". So I assure you, it's all about only killing beast.

Another problem with the game, is the lack of customisation. First of all, you don't have a big selection about the appearance of you character, so, you might looks like other people. Also, the armor "sets" are unique. Meaning by this that everyone from your level will be wearing the same armor has you. At each 3 levels, there's a "new set" of armor, so at the end, every 50s ends up being all the same.

No level "reward". What I mean here is that unlike others "good MMOs", when you leveled up, usally, you get some point to put in a talent tree or some abilities points to boost your stats. Well that game isn't build that way. You only way to "upgrade" your skills is to repeatedly use them. For being quick, is tooks me about 4 hours to boost my shield skill, 4 hours of staying there getting hit and healing myself.

Another big point that make no sense to me, is all that potion abuse system. Here we go, let's say we have a 18 warrior, he gots about 1600 of life. The matter is that monster hit you for 200 damage, as normal hit. Since mobs have like 3000-4000 HP at this level, and that your hit do about ~200 damage, this mean they should "overcome" you, but no, because you have healing potion. What I'm gonna say here, is true, at every level, from 10 to 50, you must carry AT LEAST, an ammunition of 300-1000 potions of healing. Since the cooldown is about of 3 seconds, well its like if you were "buying" yourself and quick healing spell. That is for me something really stupid in the game...

The maps is also a pain in the neck. It's so long to walk from your grinding place to another, couldn't they add something to watch while we're running in those plains..? While we talk about the graphic, if you have played Guild Wars, well, for the characters, it's about the same, about the environment, Rising Force Online is worser.

For my conclusion, I strongly recommend you to think about all the cons I mentioned up there before buying the game. Don't forget, people will tell you "it's the future of the MMOs...", well don't believe the hype, get WoW or something else instead, in which you can do something else then killing monster when you get tired. If you really are ready to pay 60$ for the game, and 15$ more each month to be able to grind monster all the days long you're gonna play the game, well, buy it. If you don't want to pay the monthly fee and have something quite similar, get yourself a copy of Guild Wars, it's even better then RFO and there's no monthly fee, you actually only have to pay for expansion pack. In the end, if you just don't want to buy this MMOs, well, congratulation, you really saved 60$...