a great game but not perfect

User Rating: 8.8 | RF Online PC
it's just about the player.
comeared to outher online rpg: this is the first relly mix of fantasy and sci-fic some people like it some not.
the good:
* it's cheaper then WoW and SWg per month if you chose the three month payment methode
* eth clip wars is great battles about the best mining place(well you don't really get the mining place only the 20 meters protector onto ypur side) that ofthen host tousends of players three times every day.
* it has a gold market that's kinda like the stockmarket. but if you by them the tax will lower and all npc objeckts get cheaper and if you sell them it get's more expensive.
the bad:
* the monsters arn't so different from each other.
*theres only three races.
*if your not a warrior with great armor you will have to by a lot a LOT of expencive helth bottles.
*boring starting quests
gameplay: i haven't got to the real pvp part(level 30) but i can tell about it a lot.
first you chose your race
cora holy alligance:
these are like elfs and is for the players that like fanasy more.
they don't got the technical power that the outher two races have but they have very powerful magic.
their special is different big summons

bellato union: these small fellas have better technics then the cora but aren't as strong in attack power then the accretians. and has better magic then the accretian but worse then the cora.
their special is their assault robots to ride that make them stronger
they are a mix of everything and if you can't choose this is the race for you

accretian empire:theas big droid is a sybole of raw power.
the doesn't have any magic as the two outher races but their stronger in attack power. if you whant to be a strong warrior this is the race for you.
their special is a arm gun thats as big as themself.

when you start you sould do some of the boring qusts to reach some level.
when you reach level 10-13 you sould start looking for a party to join.
thats were the fun begins.
and at 30 you are atlast able to survive in the clip wars for ten minutes >=).
see you there