Its like the makers of the game didnt even care.
Now dont get me wrong there are good thing about this game. The graphics are decent,the sound is ok,and its fairly easy to start playing. and majoraty of the problem with the game dont start until you are about level 27 and up.
First of all the so called PT grinding is boring at best and very annoying at its worst. Second the as you get higher in levels the mobs at sasme levels as you give less and less drops. Which affect your ability to buy the very expensive health pots.
At level 30-40 you will be forced to farm (hunt) the same mobs that you killed at level 15-20 just to afford the health pots you need. Which of course makes it difficult for them to level because now your killing what they need to kill.
On the plusside you can mine for ore to sell while afk. But 8 hours of mining will only get you about 600k. At level 40 you are going to spend well over 1mil just to train your character.
At level 30-40 there is a map with high level mobs for you to train on. It cost 250k for a ticket there ,and another 250k to come back ,about 600-700k health pots, and how ever much you spend on ammo. And did i forget to mention that the mobs upthere rarly if ever drop items. So when you are done training there it takes about a day to get back the money that you spent so you can do it again.
The races in the game are not balanced at all. The are three of them the Cora (elves that can use high magick and summons), the Bellato (short elves that use some buff like magick and mechs), and the Accretian ( robots that use big guns called launchers and stqatus launchers).
Now right off the back its the combat system and how it works for the cora that makes the game unbalanced. Every class in every race has skills they can use. Every skill has a global cooldown timer. Which means if you use a tier 1 skill uyou cant use another tier 1 skill until the timer runs out. It prevent you from chain casting you skill and its a good idea. But that being said it dosne really apply to the Cora .Because of the way that their skills are setup they can definit ly chain cast.
The Cora also have a heal pet(summon) and the Second highest defence in the game. Which wouldn be so bad except that the pet s always healin them combined with heal pot that makes them almost unkillable (i know i play one). Now the other races have pots to but the pot are also on a global cooldown.
And finally the PvP portion of the game. Once uyou PvP for about an hour or so you realize that the PvP is geared more toward griefing than real combat.
Almost al of the PvP in the game is one of five types
1: A Medium to large group againt one person.(god forbid that you fight someone one on one you might lose.)
2: KIlling people right on the teleport pad.( Sure they are still loading and cant see you or fight back yet but hey whats a coward to do.)
3: Killing people who are ten to fifteen levels lower than you.( if they were your level you might lose.)
4: Killing people who are already fighting a mob and have lost health.( Its too hard fighting some who can consentrate on just you.)
5 : killing people who are afk mining.( your to weak to kill any who is actually play.)
If you like greifing this is the game for you if not you a better off buying a book.