A very promising MMORPG leaves much to be desired.

User Rating: 6.8 | RF Online PC
When you first log onto RF online your greeted by a very stunning log on screen. It looks cool, could be an intro to a great game.

You can choose from three races, each race having a slightly different type of element to it's play. Each race can only interact with their own race. The main pull of the game is the pvp element. One on One fights can last a very long time if both players are evenly matched since potion spamming is the main way to keep yourself alive. you'll probably try a chip war or two if you reach a decent level. Chip wars are three on three race battles to destroy the other races chip. The race that wins this battle gains control of the center of the mine. The mine is a place where players can mine for ore to either sell, or prospect for gems and such. Graphically RFO is stunning. While there are some jagged edges here and there it looks extremely nice. There is a problem with the lack of enviorment. While what it does have looks great, it only has a small taste of it's graphical capabilities. The sound in RFO is amazing. Each blast has it's own SFX. Every thing is crisp and clear. The music is also very pleasing and rather nice to listen too. The only problem is there is not enough of it. The gameplay is rather repetitive. Since all the quests simply involve killing, or item collecting it was grind grind grind. The skill you learn are limited, and the rate at which you level somewhat reflects how strong your character will be (the slower you level, the stronger your character is). Because of this you may reroll several times to get the game down right.

After everything RFO wolf in sheep's clothing. Looks and sounds nice. But ultimately could be much more.