Best PvP but poor storyline
Gameplay is what makes this game worth buying, it make up for the very poorly design storyline, or quest, The game offer a huge battle every 8 hours for control over a mine which is your factions economy and also special events every ones in a while. Their is 3 sides so the battle most of the time are 3 way which make it more difficult and require more strategy from each side. The top 10 players in your faction are elected leaders and the first is like the king or Supreme Commander. It suprised me how well people listen to does 10 people they follow orders and do as they are told and in most mmo its just every men for himself. The graphics are good for an mmo
Sound is awesome, from firing a gun to using a sword it just sound perfect and the music is alright.
Storyline Worst thing in the game and probably the worst in all mmo
I can summaries it in one sentence, All the quest are Kill # of this and loot # of this from this creature, that is it! That the 2 type of quest you re going to get for the whole game. All it s really there for is to get you to lvl 45 so you can start PvP. And to get to lvl 45 (max is 50 I believe) doesnt take you that long. Took me 10 days to get to 44 then to get to 45 it take so long I mean each monster give you not even 1%!!!!!!! Also You do not have to complete any quest. All player look the same ( by clothing) One type of Armor per lvl
different armor by profesions
+ Very good gameplay
+Awesome PvP
+Great Sound effect
+Great player co-op
-Very poor Quest making