I played this game when it first came out and found it horrible and stopped. I started up again after all the big patches and I'd have to say that I find it slightly better than when I first tried it. This game is essentially the same as all the other free MMORPGs you can find out there but the difference is that this one allows you to choose between different races. The controls are tolerable but not horrible, the graphics are real nice, the lore is practically non-existent. In the end what drew me to this game and what keeps me playing is the fact that it's sci-fi and the graphics are nice. Substance-wise it isn't much of a game since all the quests I've done are the exact same and every single time I try to kill a monster for a quest, 15 bots will run in and steal the kill making me waste several stacks of ammo and potions before I can finally finish the quest. All in all... compared the the MMOs you pay for, monthly and non-monthly (World of Warcraft, Everquest, Guild Wars, EVE)... I'd have to say that this game is relatively bad. Compared to the free MMOs (Silkroad, Flyff, Flysis)... this game is relatively good.
RF Online is a game that doesn't lie. You are playing this game for PvP or because of the SciFi/Fantasy element. Otherwise, go somewhere else. That may be a rather blunt thing to say but it's the truth. RF is a bare ... Read Full Review
RF Online is an epic mix of traditional fantasy MMOG mixed with unique futuristic sci-fi action to bring an entirely new and original take on the existing MMORPG genre. Set in a deep space galaxy known as Novus, take you... Read Full Review