This game would have been fun, if it wasn't for its cruel way of punishing new players. Graphically it looks stunning. Characters are just lovely to look at. This is a localization version of the Japanese game. it is also nice to hear some Japanese songs used is some animes in English. What makes this game too unfriendly is the way it punishes you for every mistakes you mzke. Since this is all about rhythm, you need to be spot on, and that's the game's basic flaw: it demands perfection! One of he way it punishes you is the use of the annoying "Boink!" sound. It may sound cute at first, but if you keep making mistakes, then the sound will annoying you and irritate you. Another way it punishes you is the result screen. After you complete ( or don't complete) the minigame, it will say something about your performance. However, it depends on how well you do. Play good and you get a Superb plus some nice comments. Doing it fairly well, you get an "OK" and some mediocre comments such as "Eh. Good enough.". Play poorly and you can "Ramseyed" by it(no, no curse words, although it would be interesting if there are some) plus a "Try Again" appears. To add insult to injury, the game autosaves at the result screen. This prevent some players from shutting off the Wii in frustration to avoid corrupting the same file. Of course, on the DS version, they can do that on the fail screen, although they really shouldn't, as it could damage the save data and such. Another way of showing cruelty is the Perfect game: You get a chance to perfect a game to win a prize. However, that what it does. It is basically taunting you to give it a go, only to fail miserably. You have three tries and if you fail, you have to wait for awhile. Finally, if you fail a game three or four times, the Cafe icon will flash to let you know that there is help. You can ask the mysterious Barista to skip the game and continue on. But there is a penalty: on the bottom of the screen is the Flow meter that monitors your progress. Do well, and the arrow will point up and become white. Play fairly well or screw up a bit and the arrow will turn yellow and point sideways as a warning. But play badly and the arrow will point downward and become black to let you know that you suck. This game is not for those who rage quit easily or those with a bad temper. If they have worked on the difficulty a bit, then it would be Ok. Otherwise, just walk away.