Rhythm heaven .....wow where to start ....looking for a good ds game these days can be difficult because all these movies bring out games on every console which can confuse people into thinking "The movie was good so the game must be to" but they are ussually bland copies of other games (with a few exeptions) but this game is pure and original not to mention highly addictive the songs get stuck in your head for ages and ages and it makes you want to say to yourself "just one more song" the senarios are as l said original like for example theres one where you have to fill up robots with fuel to the beat of the song then theres one where you have to eat dumpling to the beat there is also rimix on all the songs you complete to test your skills.
=THE OVERVIEW= Graphics-8/10 they match the game really well Sound-10/10 thats the main reason you play Gameplay-9/10 really fun and addicting but sometimes a tad to hard Controls-9/10 sometimes the controls dont respond but thats a small chance
Overview-9 and a half out of ten
You would do yourself good to grab a copy of this game its fun wacky and will keep you entertained for hours (=
I admit, I was skeptical of this game at first, but once you get it I dare you to put it down, you will never succeed. This is the kind of game that gets you addicted to it like crack, only it doesn't do anything bad to ... Read Full Review
If you think the over-the-top nonsense music game genre on the Nintendo DS had already reached its peak with Elite Beat Agents you had better think again because Rhythm Heaven is crazier, more creative and features a wid... Read Full Review