A rhythm based game with fun and interesting gameplay.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rhythm Tengoku Gold DS
Graphics: this game has some very fun and child-appealing graphics. The cartoons are very simple but interesting.

Entertainment: This game is very fun to play and gives off a lot laughs. One of the most addicting games on DS.

Sound: Music is snappy but not annoying. Not that great quality, but some great choices.

Replay: May get boring after a while, but that will at least be in 3 months.

Controls: Easy to pick up, everything is controlled by the stylus.

Difficulty: Easy to know how to play, but gets frustrating and hard later on.

Notes: This game is a game of pure fun. Delivers an odd but fun game. Just tap with the stylus into the rhythm. It is not at all like Guitar Hero or Rock Band, you don't really have any notes. You control someone or something to do something rhythmically. In one of the mini games, you have to tap rhythm correctly so that a man could take stuff off the ground. It may sound boring, but it is really hard to put the game down!