Like crack, but not bad for you.
The graphics are cartoony and welcoming, but don't think that this can be pulled off as a photo-realistic thing, that is reserved for Rock Band.
The gameplay is totally addictive. You control the entire game with your stylus by using three simple movements: tap, release, and flick. Although if you think that this will be a walk in the park, you are dead wrong. You can pass all the games, but to really do good you need some musical ability, otherwise the difficulty will absolutely consume you. I should know, I have some musical ability and it is REALLY FRIGEN HARD!
If the audio wasn't good, I wouldn't have considered this game for a second. But it is good, therefore it is awesome. You will be trying your best to unlock the songs just to have the ability to listen to them. For the best audio, I suggest using headphones, there is actually a whole lot of difference. BTW the best song is Lockstep, just so you know.
You may wonder if this game has replay value, and this is a situation where someone says "Can Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you across the room?" You don't even have to beat the game to know it has replay value, considering the rewards you can get, all the perfect challenges to complete, and some of the games are just flat out fun (Lockstep, DJ School).
So the bottom line here is that if you don't have it, GO GET IT! RIGHT NOW! Stop just sitting there reading this review, get into a car, drive down to Wal-Mart and GET THE GAME! Seriously, it'll be one of the best choices you will have ever made!