I cant get this game away from me!!
When I first got the game I thought it was going to be one of those game that can be beat in a day. ( Such as Wario Ware ) But NO. I didnt realize that there were over 60 mini rhythm games. Also teres HELL of alot of thing to unlock such as songs, endless mini games, and smal articles to read. Theres about 50 to unlock. In order to get them, you have to so certian levels PERFECTLY, which is a horribly difficlut challenge. You mess up once, and there goes your prize.
Some of the games are really hard, especially if you arent very good at keeping the EXACT beat and keeping it perfect. Its almost like you need a robotic hand to win certian rounds. But, its a good way of teaching someone how to keep a steady and even tempo.
Ive had the game for about 3 days now and already, Ive unlocked all the levels.
Thats sort of dissapointing. I wish there were more.
The songs are catchy. The graphics are good.
It may be difficlult for small children and older people to comprehend.
8/10 A guilty pleasure. :D