Tabula Rasa - the next big thing for MMORPGS? Or is it just more of the same hype we hear about every other big launch.
This game is not worth a monthly fee as it stands. It's disappointing to know that they plan on charging us for the typical expansion pack system, instead of following in City of Heroes footsteps, and providing that extra content in the bi-monthly updates, instead of calling the addition of features that SHOULD have been in at launch, "Content Updates". That's a load of bs right there, especially considering that the content available now, is nowhere near the content other MMORPG's offer when going live.
Bugs are still prevalent in the game, most minor issues, but there are still broken weapons/armor in the tutorial section, a broken quest early in the game, and the content on the second planet is unbalanced something terrible (which you reach at level 20+).
Yet again, the dedicated MMO die-hards will claim that this is how MMORPG's are, and that's a crying shame that these people are so desperate to keep their "Fix" going with a "new drug", that they are willing to pay to beta test and develop the game, instead of paying for a working, "Finished" product (yes, I am fully aware that MMO's are never "Finished" in the sense that it's never ending, but that doesn't mean that they release broken, missing content that should be in from the start, etc).
MMORPG's have been around long enough now that a lot of these issues shouldn't even be existing still, but they are. It's a business, they know there are people who are going to pay anyhow, so they go ahead and release.
The game is not worth a monthly fee now as it stands, based on the content alone. The Graphics and sound design are excellent, but the questing system is no different than any other MMO (escort this person here, kill 100 of these, etc), and there is too little variety in what you do, especially once you max your first character, and have to repeat the exact same content over and over again.
If you are the type of gamer who, even with MMO's, is perfectly happy to spend 50 dollars and get a month's worth of play out of it, and have no plans on paying the fee, then this game could still work for you. The first month of play is the best, by far. But if you are looking for an MMORPG with depth, lots of content and options, then you need to look elsewhere.
Once they release the first PAID expansion, in a year, then the game will probably be where it should have been now - multiple races, multiple starting areas, more than 2 planets, post 30 content other than grinding, etc.
As it stands right now, they have maybe half of the game done that should be there for launch. End game content is non-existant, and it doesn't look like anything is coming, unless your idea of walking around in a mech that took you 2 months to save up the money for, is your idea of a good time. The devs say they want to avoid raids, but yet they haven't given any other option of what is coming. My guess is, based on what I've played and seen so far, is that there IS NOTHING ELSE. You will rinse and repeat (And the devs have stated themselves, that they THINK people are going to want to replay to try other classes and such, and THAT is end-game content to them, to "re-roll").
It's a shame, because the game has lots of potential. It just isn't anywhere near fully realized yet, not even halfway there. What they have now is a game who's content can be shot through in a month with grouping, two months solo (unless you rarely play, but then if you couldn't even play often, then why would you pay a fee for a game you rarely play?).
My advice: Check back with Tabula Rasa in 6 months to a year. If the community has stuck around long enough to sustain it, it COULD deliver some interesting things. As it is right now, it's not worth a monthly fee. However, if you don't mind paying 50 dollars for a game that you will only get a month to play before the fees kick in, then by all means, go for it - you will have a blast. I ended up keeping my pre-order, I have 10 extra "Free" days of play thanks to being in beta and having a higher level character before the wipe. But I will cancel my subscription to the game if they don't add enough content within the first 2 months, and I am definately not happy about their idea of paid expansions every year.